Check out the Green Carbon Hack 2024

Contributing to Carbon Hack 2024 of the Green Software Foundation, Ab Ovo combined the Impact Framework with the detailed measuring mechanisms that form an integral part of our Eco Logic Platform. The resulting measurements are combined with time-dependent information about electricity grids (the so-called emission factors per hour) of 44 emission regions, after which a Power BI Dashboard turns the data into insights. The result is a dashboard that allows you to track energy utilization and carbon emissions per function-call, over time and days. The dashboard even allows what-if scenario’s for moving servers to different locations and timezones.
Check out the power of this product yourself in the Dashboard below!

Click the interactive Power BI Dashboard below to learn more about the power of measuring Greenhouse Gas Emissions.

Make sure you read the instructions on Page 1 and increase the screen to full size.

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